Here at Dairy Goat Co-operative, we are fully invested in delivering the finest New Zealand goat milk infant formulas. To do this, we treat our fresh milk gently to lock in all that natural goodness without overcomplicating the process. And by using the entire milk product, we waste nothing!

Just like nature intended.


We were the first to develop goat milk infant formula


Freshly sourced from our sustainable New Zealand farms


Gently turned into the highest quality, most wholesome infant


Nourishing children in over 30 countries for over 30 years

We are from New Zealand

Our home

Our home in the Waikato of New Zealand is natural farming country where nature spoils us, and it’s only a short drive from our farms to our home base, where we gently process their fresh milk into world-leading goat milk infant formulas.

As a family of shareholders, we strive to produce the world’s best goat milk infant formulas for our families around the globe who want the best possible start for their children.

On the farm

“Our goal is to produce the best quality milk we can.”

Our home

We built our plant from scratch so that every part is specifically designed to make goat’s milk infant formula. It’s where around 200 of us ensure it’s treated carefully and gently before it makes its way safely to all corners of the world.

Find Out More

Our gently made formula

Typical infant formula made from cow, sheep or goat milk has extra processing and heating steps as they are made…

Warehousing and distribution

Warehousing and distribution are the final phase of the process. Finished and filled cans…

Milk collection & delivery to factory

DGC has end to end production facilities on its site in Hamilton, New Zealand. Milk…

Purpose built manufacturing

The DGC plant is purpose-built solely to be a world class facility for manufacturing…